ACT Inquiry into the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023

The Northern Territory has embarked on an extensive consultation process to listen to the views of our community, address concerns, and develop safeguards so that Territorians can make informed
choices about their end of life. To add your voice to the consultation process, you can respond to a survey or make a submission to government. More information is here.

In relation to our own campaign for effective VAD legislation here in the Northern Territory, progress underway in the ACT is also of interest!

The ACT Government has introduced the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023 in the Legislative Assembly. On October 31 the Select Committee on the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023 was established to examine the Bill and related matters. The Committee is conducting an inquiry into the Bill and has called for submissions, which close on 8 December. The Committee is due to submit its report on 29 February 2024.

More information can be found here on the ACT Legislative Assembly website, where you can read transcripts of public hearings and also download copies of submissions that have been made.